FamilyHart's Most Wanted Found!
Elizabeth Ann Myers, b. abt 1860 was wife of Peter S Hartman, b. 1855. Elizabeth Ann and Peter were married in Reno County, Kansas at the home of her step-father, Daniel Schneeberger. The family bible states that she was born in Mount Cello, Indiana. We surmised this to be Monticello, White County, Indiana. Elizabeth Ann and Peter were members of the Church of the Brethren, commonly called Dunkards. We have now determined that her father was Jacob Myers, b. abt 1795 in Pennsylvania, and Martha Jane Kelly, b 1841 in Indiana. Martha Jane Kelly's family were Quakers. If you have thoughts and/or questions, please contact us at:
We love family. We hope that you find enjoyment here. We now have well over 1,174,000 linked names in our online database. We have many lines back to the immigrant, and then have searched for all of their descendants. In addition, we have collected information on non-related collateral lines and on neighbors and friends.
Most are of Pennsylvania Dutch extraction. The Pennsylvania Dutch were those that came from German-speaking countries and areas before 1800. The term however does not include the Holland Dutch. The German word for German is Deutsch, and Pennsylvania Dutch became a slang word for those German peoples who came and settled in Pennsylvania early on, and later to other points north, south, east and west. The name stuck.
Pennsylvania Dutch is also way more than just the Amish, as many might surmise. The Pennsylvania Dutch can be broken down into two major groups: the "Gay Dutch", i.e. Lutheran, Reformed and Catholic, who come from the much more liberal branch; and the "Plain Dutch", i.e. Amish, Mennonite, and the Brethren, who make up the conservative branch. Whatever the case, they were a hard-working people whom we revere and love. They made it possible for us to be here today. We dedicate these pages to them, Our Heritage.
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Peter S & Elizabeth Ann Myers Hartman
From left to right, Dennis (Ted),b. 1901; Peter S., b. 1855; Elizabeth Ann Myers, b. 1860, and Urbin Hartman, b. 1904. Urbin is Don Hartman's grandfather, Ted is Urbin's brother; and Peter and Elizabeth Ann are their parents. Ted and Urbin are the youngest of the 15 children.